Sea turtles species of Playa Preciosa

Olive Ridley
Lepidochelys olivacea
It is the species of sea turtle with the least degree of threat.
Historically, the use of adult individuals and eggs for human consumption has decreased their populations. It is currently listed as “Vulnerable” by the IUCN.
In the Osa Peninsula, the main threat to their populations continues to be poaching of eggs for human consumption and predation of nests by feral dogs, raccoons and coatis.

Green turtle
chelonia mydas
It is the second most threatened species of sea turtle in Costa Rica.
Historically, the poaching of adults and eggs for human consumption has decimated their populations. It is currently listed as “Endangered” by the IUCN.
In the Osa Peninsula, their main threat continues to be poaching of nests for consumption or sale.

Eretmochelys imbricata
One of the most threatened sea turtle species in the world.
Historically it has been hunted for the use of its shell in the creation of jewelry. It is currently listed as “Critically Endangered” by the IUCN.
In the Osa Peninsula, its main threat is accidental fishing and nests theft for human consumption or sale.
Mortimer, J.A & Donnelly, M. (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group). 2008. Eretmochelys imbricata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T8005A12881238. Downloaded on 22 May 2020.
Seminoff, J.A. (Southwest Fisheries Science Center, U.S.). 2004. Chelonia mydas. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2004: e.T4615A11037468. Downloaded on 22 May 2020.
Abreu-Grobois, A & Plotkin, P. (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group). 2008. Lepidochelys olivacea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T11534A3292503. Downloaded on 22 May 2020.